WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST TO PERSON WHO ANSWERS CORRECTLY!!!!!!!!! Tony is baking cakes and loaves of bread for a family reunion. His cake recipe uses 5 cups of flour for each cake, and his bread recipe uses 6 cups of flour for each loaf. He has 90 cups of flour on hand.

Let c represent the number of cakes and b represent the number of loaves of bread that Tony bakes.

Create an inequality that symbolizes this situation, and then answer the question below.

Can Tony bake 8 cakes and 9 loaves of bread without buying more flour?


Answer 1

5*6=30*3=90  YES

Related Questions

Factor each expression: 5a-25


5a-25 = 5(a - 5)

hope it helps
= 5(a-5)


WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST TO PERSON THAT IS CORRECT!!!! Hana rented a car for a week for $200 plus $0.25 per mile. After driving for one week, she owed the rental company $362.50.

Which equation represents the amount she paid to the rental company, and how far did Hana drive during the week?

$200 + $0.25m = $362.50; m = 650 miles
$200 + $0.50m = $250; m = 140 miles
$200 - $0.25m = $725; m = 2,250 miles
$200 - $0.25m = $362.50; m = 1,450 miles


The answer is the third one!!
Hope this helps!!

Keshawn is constructing the inscribed circle for △PQR . He has already used his compass and straightedge to complete the part of the construction shown in the figure. Which construction could be his next step? Construct the angle bisector of ∠XQR . Construct the line through points P and X. Construct the perpendicular bisector of PQ¯¯¯¯¯ . Construct the perpendicular to QR¯¯¯¯¯ that passes through point X.



Construct the perpendicular to QR¯¯¯¯¯ that passes through point X.

Step-by-step explanation:


Construct the perpendicular to QR¯¯¯¯¯ that passes through point X.

Step-by-step explanation:

Verified correct with test results.

John bought a house. He decided to reduce his square backyard by 40 inches along its width. The area of the new backyard is given by the function below, where z represents the length in inches. A(z)=z^2-40z

Which statement best describes the term 40z?

* The area of the playground after expansion
* The width of the backyard
* The area of the backyard before reduction
* The area reduced from the backyard


Ans: The area reduced from the backyard

Use the relationship between the angles in the figure to answer the question. Which equation can be used to find the value of x? x = 52
​x + 52 = 180
​x + 52 = 90
​52 + 38 = x​


The answer to your question is most likely to be a

Answer: The answer is x= 52°

Step-by-step explanation: These are vertical angles so that means both sides would equal the same. One side is 52° So the other side would also be 52°.

Would you measure the length of a bench in centimeters or in meters .explain your choice


I would measure it in meters because it is an easier measurement to use, and the average bench is around 1.5 meters.

Let x = price of a standard ticket, y = price of a matinee ticket, and z = price of a senior ticket. 150x + 80y + 12z = 2,466 380x + 95y + 48z = 5,419 210x + 130y + 60z = 3,960 220x + 225y = 4,445 540x + 270y = 8,370 → y = −2x + 31 x = 11 Finish solving the system using. What are y and z?


Answer: y =  9, z = 8

Step-by-step explanation:

Here, the given equations are,

150x + 80y + 12z = 2,466 ---------(1)

380x + 95y + 48z = 5,419 ---------(2)

210x + 130y + 60z = 3,960 --------(3)

4 × equation (1) - Equation (2),

220x + 225y = 4,445  ------------(4)

5 × equation (1) - equation (3),

540x + 270y = 8,370

⇒ 270 y = 8370 - 540 x

⇒ y = 31 - 2 x

Substituting the value in equation (4),

220 x + 225 ( 31 - 2 x ) = 4445

220 x + 6975 - 450 x = 4445

- 230 x = - 2530

x = 11

By putting this value in equation (5),

we get, y = 31 - 22

y = 9

By putting the value of x and y in equation (1),

1650 + 720 + 12 z = 2466

2370 + 12 z = 2466

12 z = 96

z = 8




For the next one, the solution can be expressed as 11,9, and 8

Step-by-step explanation:

Just did it on edg!

Find the area of a parallelogram with base b and height h. B= 74cm H=14.8 cm


General Idea:

The formula to find the area of parallelogram is given below:

Applying the concept:


The area is1,095.2cm

In order to survive, organisms must maintain stable conditions in their bodies, even though their external environments are always changing. For example, humans need to maintain an internal temperature around 37°C. Blood needs to have a pH around 7.4 and an oxygen saturation close to 100%.

What needs to happen in order to maintain these conditions?

A) Organ systems must interact with one another.
B) Organisms must be at rest.
C) Genes must be altered each time cells replicate.
D) All of these.


For humans (and other organisms) to maintain a constant internal temperature, pH, etc., we have to maintain homeostasis. The way our bodies maintain homeostasis is through our organ systems; they carry out processes which ensure we remain the same. Their interaction is vital to this process.

A) Organ systems must interact with one another.

Organ systems must interact with one another.

Solve the equation x2 = 10.


The solution of the equation is  x = ±3. 162.

What is equation?

An equation is a mathematical statement that is made up of two expressions connected by an equal sign.

Parts of an Equation

There are different parts of an equation which include coefficients, variables, operators, constants, terms, expressions, and an equal to sign. When we write an equation, it is mandatory to have an "=" sign, and terms on both sides. Both sides should be equal to each other. An equation doesn't need to have multiple terms on either of the sides, having variables, and operators.

An equation can be formed without these as well, for example, 5 + 10 = 15. This is an arithmetic equation with no variables.


x² = 10

Now to solve the above equation we have to take the square root on both side, we get

√x² = √10

x= ±√10

x= ±3. 162 ( because root provides two values one is positive and other is negative)

Hence, the value of x is  ±3. 162.

Learn more about equation here:




Step-by-step explanation:

Choose the correct simplification of the expression the quantity a to the 4th power over b to the 2nd power all raised to the 3rd power. a to the 7th power over b to the 5th power
a to the 12th power over b to the 6th power


Lets get started :)

a to the 4th power = a⁴
b to the 2nd power = b²
( ) raised to 3rd power = (  )³

The power of power properties apply here
(a) 4 x 3 = 12 
(b) 2 x 3 = 6

Your answer will be the 2nd Option 
a to the 12th power over b to the 6th power
Your answer will be the second choice.

Choose the correct product of (3x − 8)2. 9x2 − 64
9x2 + 64
9x2 − 48x + 64
9x2 + 48x + 64


Lets get started :)

(3x - 8)²

(3x - 8)(3x - 8)

(3x)² - 8(3x) - 3x(8) + (8)²

9x² - 24x - 24x + 64

9x² - 48x + 64

Your answer will be the second last option

The third option is the correct answer.

In a circle with a radius of 3 ft, an arc is intercepted by a central angle of 2π3 radians. What is the length of the arc? 2π ft
​ 3π ​ ft
​ 6π ​ ft
​ 9π ​ ft


The correct question is 
In a circle with a radius of 3 ft, an arc is intercepted by a central angle of 2π/3 radians. What is the length of the arc? 

we know that
in a circle
2π radians -----------------> lenght of (2*π*r)
2π/3 radians--------------> X

 the lenght  of the arc=(2π/3)*3=2π ft

the answer is 2π ft


The correct answer is 2π ft.

Step-by-step explanation:

Verified by correct test results.

The equation of a circle whose center is at (4, 0) and radius is length 2√(3) is (x - 4)² + y² = 2√3 (x - 4)² + y² = 12 (x + 4)² + y² = 12



Equation of the circle is

Step-by-step explanation:

We have been given that

center of the circle = (4,0)

Radius of the circle =

The standard form of a circle is given by

Here, (h,k) is the center and r is the radius. Thus, we have

h = 4, k = 0, r = 2√(3)

Substituting these values in the above equation, we get

Simplifying, we get

Therefore, equation of the circle is

The equation of a circle is (x-a)²+(y-b)²=R²

What is the quotient? n+3/2n-6 divide n+3 /3n-9


The quotient simplifies to


We want to find the quotient:

We need to multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction to obtain,

We now factor to obtain,

We cancel out common factors to obtain,

This finally gives us,


Complete the factorization of 3x2 – 5x + 2. Which two factors can be multiplied together to make this trinomial?

(x – 2)
(x – 1)
(x + 1)
(3x – 2)
(3x + 2)


3x² - 5x + 2 
= 3x² - 3x - 2x + 2
= 3x(x-1) - 2(x-1)
= (x-1)(3x-2)

the answers are (x-1) and (3x-2)

In the figure below, triangle ABC is similar to triangle PQR, as shown below: What is the length of side PQ? A right triangle ABC with right angle at B and base BC is drawn. Length of AB is 4, length of BC is 2. A similar right triangle; triangle PQR, which is triangle ABC enlarged and reflected across a horizontal line, is drawn near it. The right angle is at Q. Angle A is congruent to angle P and angle C is congruent to angle R. The length of QR is 12.


For two polygons to be considered similar, the corresponding angles need to be congruent and at the same time, the corresponding sides sides need to be proportional. 

The corresponding side of QR is BC 

BC = 2 and QR = 12
 As you can see QR is 6 times longer than BC and so PQ should be proportional to AB by the same factor. 

if AB is 4 then multiply that by 6:

4 x 6 = 24

Line PQ is 24


Line PQ is 24

the ratio of cookies to glasses of milk is 3:1 if there are 25 glasses of milk how many cookies are there


Answer is 75:25 because if you multiply on one side, you do the same to the other

Which of the following are miscellaneous taxes? Gasoline tax License plate fees Hunting license fees Inheritance tax Marriage license fees


Its all five of them

Ir Transportation Taxes; Biodiesel Fuel Taxes; Building Permit Taxes; Business Registration Fees; Capital Gains Taxes; Cigarette Taxes; Court Fines; Disposal Fees; Dog License Taxes; Drivers License Fees; Employer Health Insurance Mandate Tax; Employer Medicare Taxes; Employer Social Security ...

A stretch of highway that is 12 1/4 kilometers long has speed limit signs every 7/8 of a kilometer. How many speed limit signs are on this stretch of highway?


(12 1/4)/(7/8)
= (49/4)*(8/7)
= 2*7
= 14

There are 14 speed limit signs on that highway.


the answer is 14 speed limit signs

Step-by-step explanation:

Other Questions
Which statement is the most accurate summary of this excerpt from Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich? Latterly during the loneliness in which he found himself as he lay facing the back of the sofa, a loneliness in the midst of a populous town and surrounded by numerous acquaintances and relations but that yet could not have been more complete—either at the bottom of the sea or under the earth—during that terrible loneliness Ivan Ilyich had lived only in memories of the past. Pictures of his past rose before him one after another. They always began with what was nearest in time and then went back to what was most remote—to his childhood—and rested there. If he thought of the stewed prunes that had been offered him that day, his mind went back to the raw shriveled French plums of his childhood, their peculiar flavor and the flow of saliva when he sucked their stones, and along with the memory of that taste came a whole series of memories of those days: his nurse, his brother, and their toys. "No, I mustn't thing of that....It is too painful," Ivan Ilyich said to himself, and brought himself back to the present—to the button on the back of the sofa and the creases in its morocco. "Morocco is expensive, but it does not wear well: there had been a quarrel about it. It was a different kind of quarrel and a different kind of morocco that time when we tore father's portfolio and were punished, and mamma brought us some tarts...." And again his thoughts dwelt on his childhood, and again it was painful and he tried to banish them and fix his mind on something else. A.) Ivan Ilyich feels sorry about tearing his father’s portfolio when he was a small child. B.) Ivan Ilyich is missing the materialistic life he once lived. C.) Ivan Ilyich is feeling lonely, and he longs for a good friend or acquaintance. D.) Ivan Ilyich feels lonely, and his childhood memories cause him more pain. E.)Ivan Ilyich remembers his life before falling prey to the illness. 50 points will mark brainlest if you're correct thank you ......................................... Read the passage. Margaret, are you grieving Over Goldengrove unleaving? Which best interprets how Hopkins' use of the underlined imagery creates meaning in the poem? a. It shows the reader how the seasons change slowly. b. It illustrates the idea that autumn is a time of death. c. It reveals that fallen leaves symbolize fallen soldiers. d. It shows that the forest is a mysterious and dangerous place. Which best expresses the theme of "Spring and Fall"? a.Everyone must face his or her own death eventually. b. Nature is the best place to meditate. c.Children cannot understand death. d. Innocence is best left in childhood. Which best explains how the author's voice creates meaning in "Spring and Fall"? a.it illustrates the authors strong emotions about loss of innocence b.it shows hat regret can eat ones soul c.it helps the reader to understand the use of meter d.it illustrates the love and nature that the author has You will come to find that everything that makes life possible on earth is all _____. Based on the information in the table, which statement would most likely be a belief shared by both Martin Luther and John Calvin? From those listed below, select the points for good purposeful listening. If you're not interested, don't listen Be comfortable, but not too comfortable. Ask questions whenever possible. Listen for a summary. Interrupt whenever possible. Take notes on key information. Listen for key words and phrases. Watch the speaker for clues to important information. Compare new information with what is known. Consider whether the statement agrees with Christian ideals and standards. Which of the following will produce the smallest ocean waves? A. Weak winds that blow for long periods of time over small distances B.Weak winds that blow for a long time over great distances C.Weak winds that blow for short periods of time over small distances D.Weak winds that blow for short periods of time over great distances Read the passage below and answer the question. “I have brought you here because you joined together to hurt others, to burn people's houses and their place of worship. That must not happen in the dominion of our queen, the most powerful ruler in the world." The passage above reinforces the idea that _____. A.) the colonists do not believe the Igbo have claim to this land B.) the British are intending to do violence to these people C.) the missionaries are going to retaliate D.) the District Commissioner is trying to negotiate a treaty based on the two diaries how would you characterize the main difference in viewpoint between dawson and richards? Read the passage below and answer the question. To fill the Lord's holy temple with an idolatrous crowd clamoring for signs was a folly of everlasting consequence. Our Lord used the whip only once in His life – to drive the crowd away from His church. The passage above is a reference to _____. A.) Jesus at the Last Supper B.) God's testing of Job C.) Jesus driving the moneylenders out D.) the episode with the burning bush Jonathan is writing a research paper on imagery in Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. He wants to include relevant ideas from another essay that support his claim. In which situation should he paraphrase the information from a source instead of quoting it directly? A. when the sentence structure and language in the source is exceptionally well-written and witty B. when the supporting information is written in language that would be inappopriate or confusing for the audience C. when the source information contains a direct quote from a literary critic who is an expert on imagery D. when the source information is written in language that would support the claim of the paper Factor each expression: 5a-25 Read the passage below and answer the question. Mr. Brown's successor was the Reverend James Smith, and he was a different kind of man. He condemned openly Mr. Brown's policy of compromise and accommodation. He saw things as black and white. And black was evil. He saw the world as a battlefield in which the children of light were locked in mortal conflict with the sons of darkness. The passage above reflects Mr. Smith's _____. Select all that apply. A.) attitudes about race B.) political leanings C.) interest in violence D.) rigidness HELP RIGHT NOW THE RIGHT ANSWER GETS BRAINLEST!!! Match the term to its description. Match Term Definition Prominences A) Brief eruptions of intense high-energy radiation from the sun's surface Solar flares B) The rise of hotter, less dense fluid and the sinking of cooler, denser fluid Sunspots C) Streams of glowing gas that shoot out from the sun in an arch Convection D) Dark spots appearing from time to time on the sun's surface A female with a waist to hip ratio greater than 1.0 would be at a higher risk for certain diseases. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T F In the United States, which assessment system measures inflation? WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST TO PERSON THAT IS CORRECT!!!! Hana rented a car for a week for $200 plus $0.25 per mile. After driving for one week, she owed the rental company $362.50. Which equation represents the amount she paid to the rental company, and how far did Hana drive during the week? $200 + $0.25m = $362.50; m = 650 miles $200 + $0.50m = $250; m = 140 miles $200 - $0.25m = $725; m = 2,250 miles $200 - $0.25m = $362.50; m = 1,450 miles How did buying on margin help reinforce the bull market (a market in which share prices rise, thus encouraging buying)? a. It allowed more people to invest in the stock market. b. It reduced the risk associated with buying stocks. c. It allowed investors to make a profit even when stock prices dropped. d. It reduced the total price investors had to pay for a stock. Which best identifies a counterclaim in "Improve the Zoo!"? A.I have a better suggestion: Let's improve the zoo! B. Central City Zoo is small and outdated. C. If they could speak, they would plead for a better life. It is wrong not to give them one. D. Some may think that the extra money should be spent on things that are more important, which usually means more necessary to humans. many conquerors try to spread their culture to the newly conquered lands, and this is an example of: A. Culture B. Custom C. habit D. ethnocentrism Your cookie recipe calls for 34 cup of flour. You want to make 3 batches of cookies. Which diagram shows how much flour you need? ...